Articles by author

Below are the articles found for author J.L.M. Jongen.

3 Results have been found.

Epstein-Barr virus infection or malignant lymphoma – what you see is not what you get
Issue: December 2019, Volume: 77, Number: 10

I. De haes, J. Versluis, K.H. Lam, J.L.M. Jongen, J.K. Doorduijn, S. Kuipers
Bortezomib-induced polyneuropathy
Issue: April 2013, Volume: 71, Number: 3

A.J.J. Rampen, J.L.M. Jongen, I. van Heuvel, M. Scheltens-de Boer, P. Sonneveld, M.J. van den Bent
Chemotherapy-induced neurotoxicity: the value of neuroprotective strategies
Issue: January 2012, Volume: 70, Number: 1

A.J.M. Beijers, J.L.M. Jongen, G. Vreugdenhil