Articles by author

Below are the articles found for author W.G. Boersma.

5 Results have been found.

Management of community-acquired pneumonia in adults: 2016 guideline update from the Dutch Working Party on Antibiotic Policy (SWAB) and Dutch Association of Chest Physicians (NVALT)
Issue: January 2018, Volume: 76, Number: 1

W.J. Wiersinga, M.J. Bonten, W.G. Boersma, R.E. Jonkers, R.M. Aleva, B.J. Kullberg, J.A. Schouten, J.E. Degener, E.M.W. van de Garde, T.J. Verheij, A.P.E. Sachs, J.M. Prins
Non-cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis: clinical presentation, diagnosis and treatment, illustrated by data from a Dutch Teaching Hospital
Issue: May 2015, Volume: 73, Number: 4

J. Altenburg, K. Wortel, T.S. van der Werf, W.G. Boersma
Guideline adherence for empirical treatment of pneumonia and patient outcome. Treating pneumonia in the Netherlands
Issue: December 2013, Volume: 71, Number: 10

S.M. Huijts, C.H. van Werkhoven, W.G. Boersma, J. Buijs, G. Buunk, C.J. Compaijen, L.J.R. van Elde, J.E.H. Gisolf, R. van der Kam, J.A.J.W. Kluytmans, B.A.F. Kuipers, J.J. Mager, B. Oppedijk, F. Palmen, J.M. Prins, B. van Reemst, M.H. Silbermann, F.H. van Tiel, E. van der Wall, T.S. van der Werf, M.J.M. Bonten
SWAB/NVALT (Dutch Working Party on Antibiotic Policy and Dutch Association of Chest Physicians) Guidelines on the Management ofCommunity-Acquired Pneumonia in Adults
Issue: February/March 2012, Volume: 70, Number: 2

W.J. Wiersinga, M.J. Bonten, W.G. Boersma, R.E. Jonkers, R.M. Aleva, B.J. Kullberg, J.A. Schouten, J.E. Degener, R. Janknegt, T.J. Verheij, A.P.E. Sachs, J.M. Prins
Moraxella catarrhalis sepsis in a patient with juvenile spinal muscle atrophy
Issue: June 2005, Volume: 63, Number: 6

I.C.D. Westendorp, M.A. Tiemessen, M. de Jong, A. Soomers, I.M.M.J. Wakelkamp, W.G. Boersma